She watches from her iron towers-- the blood queen, the queen that sold her soul. Below her an army stretches out, a wall of black and steel and death. They march and it sounds like a thousand monsters trying to shake the moon out from the sky.
Her blood is slow now, light and vesper thin in her veins.
The magic is hungry and time is a vicious thing knock, knock, knocking at her glittering citadel gates. And the queen is more ravenous still for she is magic and time and disease all tangled into one. Only those loyal to her are safe from the hollowness of her need; only those that let her drink the magic from their hearts.
The moon peaks at the top of her tower and the army marches into the wildlands to feed the magic and keep their queen sated on her iron and ore.
Welcome to the riftlands where time and magic have gone wild and only the citidel is safe with its walls of iron and rivers of blood.
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current news and information;
12.29.2020; Welcome to the end of 2020 where this happened. <33
date; some news here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dapibus mollis nibh sit amet pharetra. Phasellus orci elit, ultricies in faucibus non, dignissim at ligula. Pellentesque augue sapien, fringilla vitae odio in, sagittis finibus eros. Quisque nulla enim, vehicula sed vestibulum a, porttitor non velit. Fusce consequat odio non vehicula placerat. Vivamus feugiat elit velit, eu elementum metus vehicula sed. Praesent nibh ante, congue ac ex eu, consequat finibus dolor. Aliquam volutpat interdum turpis, ut lobortis ipsum accumsan eget. Mauris id magna vel sapien posuere dictum. Ut efficitur urna turpis, quis luctus libero semper at. Nulla non nulla ultricies, eleifend mauris id, varius lorem.
Sed sit amet erat ac orci fermentum cursus et quis quam. Pellentesque egestas, nunc id finibus efficitur, sapien purus faucibus elit, nec suscipit quam tellus eu lectus. Sed id eros ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo pharetra risus, eget congue nisl ultricies quis. Maecenas lobortis lobortis mauris sit amet ultricies. Ut non nisl augue. Phasellus ornare aliquet massa quis semper. Donec metus lacus, placerat convallis elit a, bibendum congue massa. Aenean auctor nisi est, a pretium leo hendrerit id. Sed quam mi, congue non libero vel, convallis pretium purus. Donec sit amet sapien a enim fringilla interdum.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut malesuada dapibus massa et ultrices. Aenean eget magna fermentum, volutpat felis et, blandit sem. Ut eu ligula ut justo aliquam viverra vitae vel lectus. Nunc eu felis varius, faucibus ante dictum, placerat massa. Nunc quis tincidunt enim. Integer molestie in ex vel efficitur. Mauris mollis, neque sed auctor elementum, dolor tellus dapibus mi, ut condimentum orci turpis eu tortor. Morbi dapibus lacus ut ipsum ornare laoreet. Vivamus ut vulputate sem. Nunc convallis blandit odio et tempus. Proin varius leo vitae libero rhoncus pretium. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ullamcorper neque lectus, at sollicitudin mi aliquam nec. Maecenas odio nibh, porttitor vel ipsum ac, mattis tempor mi.
[div align="center"][div style="width:600px;"][div style="background:url(;height:425px;"] [/div][div style="background-color:#fcaf83;"] [div style="width:450px;padding:20px;font-family:arial;font-size:12px;color:#000000;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;letter-spacing:2px;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dapibus mollis nibh sit amet pharetra. Phasellus orci elit, ultricies in faucibus non, dignissim at ligula. Pellentesque augue sapien, fringilla vitae odio in, sagittis finibus eros. Quisque nulla enim, vehicula sed vestibulum a, porttitor non velit. Fusce consequat odio non vehicula placerat. Vivamus feugiat elit velit, eu elementum metus vehicula sed. Praesent nibh ante, congue ac ex eu, consequat finibus dolor. Aliquam volutpat interdum turpis, ut lobortis ipsum accumsan eget. Mauris id magna vel sapien posuere dictum. Ut efficitur urna turpis, quis luctus libero semper at. Nulla non nulla ultricies, eleifend mauris id, varius lorem.
Sed sit amet erat ac orci fermentum cursus et quis quam. Pellentesque egestas, nunc id finibus efficitur, sapien purus faucibus elit, nec suscipit quam tellus eu lectus. Sed id eros ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo pharetra risus, eget congue nisl ultricies quis. Maecenas lobortis lobortis mauris sit amet ultricies. Ut non nisl augue. Phasellus ornare aliquet massa quis semper. Donec metus lacus, placerat convallis elit a, bibendum congue massa. Aenean auctor nisi est, a pretium leo hendrerit id. Sed quam mi, congue non libero vel, convallis pretium purus. Donec sit amet sapien a enim fringilla interdum.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut malesuada dapibus massa et ultrices. Aenean eget magna fermentum, volutpat felis et, blandit sem. Ut eu ligula ut justo aliquam viverra vitae vel lectus. Nunc eu felis varius, faucibus ante dictum, placerat massa. Nunc quis tincidunt enim. Integer molestie in ex vel efficitur. Mauris mollis, neque sed auctor elementum, dolor tellus dapibus mi, ut condimentum orci turpis eu tortor. Morbi dapibus lacus ut ipsum ornare laoreet. Vivamus ut vulputate sem. Nunc convallis blandit odio et tempus. Proin varius leo vitae libero rhoncus pretium. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ullamcorper neque lectus, at sollicitudin mi aliquam nec. Maecenas odio nibh, porttitor vel ipsum ac, mattis tempor mi. [/div]
some memories never leave your bones. like the salt in the sea; they become a part of you - you carry them.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque viverra tincidunt bibendum. Praesent ut lorem magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In in nibh finibus, pulvinar diam id, porttitor mauris. Sed ut hendrerit diam. Nullam ex nibh, pulvinar molestie justo aliquet, bibendum dictum ex. Fusce elementum at mi eget rhoncus. Proin diam diam, sagittis et quam ut, consectetur maximus est. Morbi in lacus ut tellus fermentum hendrerit vel et nunc.
Curabitur quis erat gravida, tempor turpis eu, finibus mauris. Cras nisi eros, vestibulum vel ligula vitae, lacinia sollicitudin lorem. Aenean leo nisl, rutrum eu lectus id, sollicitudin lobortis urna. In commodo ipsum pharetra porta facilisis. Quisque elementum ipsum a urna efficitur aliquam. Sed id finibus purus, ut aliquam dolor. Phasellus eget risus venenatis, feugiat lectus sed, consectetur ex. Nam lectus nulla, condimentum ut elit at, molestie consequat dui. Pellentesque vitae est felis.
Maecenas et suscipit velit. Praesent commodo risus eget ante luctus congue. Praesent commodo mauris sagittis lacus tincidunt, in rhoncus neque egestas. Aenean lobortis risus sed sollicitudin cursus. Sed nisi augue, sodales vitae tincidunt non, pharetra vitae sapien. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet lacus id facilisis. Fusce porta euismod nunc id interdum. Suspendisse non semper eros, ac ullamcorper eros. Nulla vitae nibh magna. Aenean egestas dolor ut ante sagittis, quis convallis justo euismod. Aenean orci lacus, consequat nec mauris vel, condimentum facilisis ante. Aliquam non diam eget nunc congue dignissim a sed felis.
Integer dictum nisl eget arcu iaculis tristique. Nullam iaculis ac ipsum vel molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi a turpis in nunc porttitor congue. Aliquam nec laoreet mauris. Donec sagittis sollicitudin interdum. Vestibulum facilisis a tortor eget blandit. Nam ut risus accumsan, finibus quam eget, elementum urna. Maecenas ultricies neque massa, non eleifend lacus maximus ac. Sed sit amet diam tempus, mattis nulla id, congue ante.
Curabitur sodales diam velit, at semper augue scelerisque sit amet. Donec pellentesque bibendum erat quis scelerisque. Cras nec condimentum odio. Cras lobortis consectetur cursus. Integer pretium vitae ligula in tempor. Sed non nulla pulvinar, consequat neque ut, mattis quam.
Phasellus nisl ante, efficitur vitae augue et, efficitur aliquet lorem. Nunc vitae quam id enim pretium auctor vel eget tellus. Morbi non gravida nulla. Proin rhoncus, nibh interdum dapibus facilisis, arcu arcu viverra diam, sed scelerisque sem dolor sed risus.
** Looks like proboards sucks so you'll have to update the background url every time you make a post because it'll automatically put an "apos" in front of the image url. Once it's gone, it'll work. [div style="margin:auto;background:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-color:#2b2225;max-width:750px;width:70%;border:1px solid #000;"][div style="margin:auto;margin-top:520px;margin-bottom:40px;border-bottom:1px solid #100d0d;width:80%;background-color:#0d0b0b;opacity:0.6;border-radius:30px;text-align:justify;color:#fff;font-family:Georgia;font-size:13px;letter-spacing:1px;padding:30px;"][div style="margin:0 18%;font-family:Noto Serif TC;letter-spacing:1px;font-size:smaller;font-style:italic;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);padding-bottom:15px;"]some memories never leave your bones. like the salt in the sea; they become a part of you - you carry them.
[/div] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque viverra tincidunt bibendum. Praesent ut lorem magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In in nibh finibus, pulvinar diam id, porttitor mauris. Sed ut hendrerit diam. Nullam ex nibh, pulvinar molestie justo aliquet, bibendum dictum ex. Fusce elementum at mi eget rhoncus. Proin diam diam, sagittis et quam ut, consectetur maximus est. Morbi in lacus ut tellus fermentum hendrerit vel et nunc.
Curabitur quis erat gravida, tempor turpis eu, finibus mauris. Cras nisi eros, vestibulum vel ligula vitae, lacinia sollicitudin lorem. Aenean leo nisl, rutrum eu lectus id, sollicitudin lobortis urna. In commodo ipsum pharetra porta facilisis. Quisque elementum ipsum a urna efficitur aliquam. Sed id finibus purus, ut aliquam dolor. Phasellus eget risus venenatis, feugiat lectus sed, consectetur ex. Nam lectus nulla, condimentum ut elit at, molestie consequat dui. Pellentesque vitae est felis.
Maecenas et suscipit velit. Praesent commodo risus eget ante luctus congue. Praesent commodo mauris sagittis lacus tincidunt, in rhoncus neque egestas. Aenean lobortis risus sed sollicitudin cursus. Sed nisi augue, sodales vitae tincidunt non, pharetra vitae sapien. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet lacus id facilisis. Fusce porta euismod nunc id interdum. Suspendisse non semper eros, ac ullamcorper eros. Nulla vitae nibh magna. Aenean egestas dolor ut ante sagittis, quis convallis justo euismod. Aenean orci lacus, consequat nec mauris vel, condimentum facilisis ante. Aliquam non diam eget nunc congue dignissim a sed felis.
Integer dictum nisl eget arcu iaculis tristique. Nullam iaculis ac ipsum vel molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi a turpis in nunc porttitor congue. Aliquam nec laoreet mauris. Donec sagittis sollicitudin interdum. Vestibulum facilisis a tortor eget blandit. Nam ut risus accumsan, finibus quam eget, elementum urna. Maecenas ultricies neque massa, non eleifend lacus maximus ac. Sed sit amet diam tempus, mattis nulla id, congue ante.
Curabitur sodales diam velit, at semper augue scelerisque sit amet. Donec pellentesque bibendum erat quis scelerisque. Cras nec condimentum odio. Cras lobortis consectetur cursus. Integer pretium vitae ligula in tempor. Sed non nulla pulvinar, consequat neque ut, mattis quam.
Phasellus nisl ante, efficitur vitae augue et, efficitur aliquet lorem. Nunc vitae quam id enim pretium auctor vel eget tellus. Morbi non gravida nulla. Proin rhoncus, nibh interdum dapibus facilisis, arcu arcu viverra diam, sed scelerisque sem dolor sed risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet pharetra neque. Sed vel lacus mauris. Cras id efficitur urna. Mauris placerat urna vitae egestas aliquet. Nam tristique vitae risus sed feugiat. Etiam tristique libero vitae sem convallis pharetra. Ut rhoncus, nunc ac pellentesque porttitor, dolor erat luctus nisi, at sodales tellus elit non odio. Sed vel risus consequat, maximus diam nec, dictum massa. Nullam posuere facilisis aliquam. Curabitur facilisis, nisl sit amet consequat imperdiet, risus ipsum maximus nulla, in vulputate eros massa eget diam.
"Fusce et porta nulla." Nullam vestibulum eget metus mollis placerat. Suspendisse gravida mauris at massa blandit, ullamcorper cursus diam placerat. Aliquam nec sodales tortor. Vestibulum tincidunt pulvinar iaculis. Mauris suscipit leo felis, eu pulvinar mauris consequat a. Aliquam commodo neque justo, sed consequat nibh mollis sed. Ut tincidunt a est id dignissim. Vestibulum nec quam arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce luctus enim eget arcu egestas, a vulputate risus rhoncus.
Nulla facilisi. Nulla vulputate lobortis porttitor. Vivamus dignissim sagittis congue. Morbi at tempus leo, eu tempor tellus. Nam ut tortor tellus. Proin mattis eget nibh ut vulputate. Proin condimentum mauris ut scelerisque fringilla. Nullam congue finibus elementum. Donec risus purus, sagittis sit amet nulla maximus, molestie cursus mauris. Vestibulum ut eleifend lacus, id tincidunt diam. Fusce porta ullamcorper diam, a convallis erat blandit et. Maecenas mattis nec est non sodales. Maecenas auctor ex venenatis leo sodales, ac auctor lectus fermentum.
Morbi a ipsum nibh. Suspendisse orci enim, malesuada molestie ultricies ac, pellentesque quis augue. Integer leo risus, ullamcorper at velit sit amet, laoreet finibus lacus. Aliquam pretium laoreet consectetur. Curabitur eu nulla orci. Duis rutrum hendrerit arcu fermentum commodo. Vestibulum convallis suscipit augue sed fringilla. Integer iaculis metus et ante facilisis consequat. Vestibulum at rutrum nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet pharetra neque. Sed vel lacus mauris. Cras id efficitur urna. Mauris placerat urna vitae egestas aliquet. Nam tristique vitae risus sed feugiat. Etiam tristique libero vitae sem convallis pharetra. Ut rhoncus, nunc ac pellentesque porttitor, dolor erat luctus nisi, at sodales tellus elit non odio. Sed vel risus consequat, maximus diam nec, dictum massa. Nullam posuere facilisis aliquam. Curabitur facilisis, nisl sit amet consequat imperdiet, risus ipsum maximus nulla, in vulputate eros massa eget diam.
[font style="color:#b9863c;font-weight:bold;"]"Fusce et porta nulla."[/font] Nullam vestibulum eget metus mollis placerat. Suspendisse gravida mauris at massa blandit, ullamcorper cursus diam placerat. Aliquam nec sodales tortor. Vestibulum tincidunt pulvinar iaculis. Mauris suscipit leo felis, eu pulvinar mauris consequat a. Aliquam commodo neque justo, sed consequat nibh mollis sed. Ut tincidunt a est id dignissim. Vestibulum nec quam arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce luctus enim eget arcu egestas, a vulputate risus rhoncus.
Nulla facilisi. Nulla vulputate lobortis porttitor. Vivamus dignissim sagittis congue. Morbi at tempus leo, eu tempor tellus. Nam ut tortor tellus. Proin mattis eget nibh ut vulputate. Proin condimentum mauris ut scelerisque fringilla. Nullam congue finibus elementum. Donec risus purus, sagittis sit amet nulla maximus, molestie cursus mauris. Vestibulum ut eleifend lacus, id tincidunt diam. Fusce porta ullamcorper diam, a convallis erat blandit et. Maecenas mattis nec est non sodales. Maecenas auctor ex venenatis leo sodales, ac auctor lectus fermentum.
Morbi a ipsum nibh. Suspendisse orci enim, malesuada molestie ultricies ac, pellentesque quis augue. Integer leo risus, ullamcorper at velit sit amet, laoreet finibus lacus. Aliquam pretium laoreet consectetur. Curabitur eu nulla orci. Duis rutrum hendrerit arcu fermentum commodo. Vestibulum convallis suscipit augue sed fringilla. Integer iaculis metus et ante facilisis consequat. Vestibulum at rutrum nunc.
His brace of antlers still rise proud and impressive atop his poll, even as fall presses her fingers upon them, weakening their roots, turning their gilt-gold dark with well seasoned age. The tines hold the Ivy and flowers that loop through them. The woodland drapes the brace with leaves and woodland trinkets;; a forest crown. Even as emerald darkness blooms in the deep loveliness of the forest, the boy does not tremble but walks like a king amidst his kingdom.
He listens as Nature’s hand pushes him this way and that, directing her son closer and closer toward the new, strange magic and the moonlight child who stands amidst it. He listens to the woodland speak, but not in the way the Denocte girl does. To Leonidas, the woodland is rustling whispers and chirping song. The orphan boy moves as if he knows every inch of Delumine, and maybe he does... How long has he been a boy alone, lost and wandering the wilds of Novus? Loneliness has begun to fit snug across his growing body, he wears it as a wild fur, shot through with the bright of meadow flowers and the sharp weapons of sticks and stones.
Leonidas has become a wild boy, a feral king of woods and meadows. His kingdom knows no bounds. All of Novus is his.
This night, with the steadiness of creeping ivy, the woodland rustling slowly grows into voices calling. They speak and he turns to better hear them. Shyly, they quieten as he moves, like the timid fox that hides when spotted. Unperturbed, the boy meanders, following the trail of voices, until a glimpse of silver ahead has him gravitating faster toward the girl and a ghostly man with a golden sun and sunrise eyes.
The boy falls still as the great cathedral trees that stand around him. His nape arches as the man’s strange gaze settles upon him. His teeth part to reveal small, blunt teeth gleaming milk-white in the forest light. It is a snarl befitting a lion, not a stag. Leonidas is not just a woodland king but a boy of Time and a lion of sunlight. His feathers and mane drip gold like the ichor that once ran in his father’s veins.
The feral boy watches as the man disappears. He steps forward to follow and the woodland, surprisingly, betrays him. The snap of a twig cracks through the forest and the whispering voices suddenly fall silent. The girl turns and she seems so desperately familiar in Leonidas’ gaze. A ghostly memory blooms within his mind, but its colour, its scent is off, like a flower out of season, lost to the blizzarding trials of winter. The boy forgets a girl called Avesta and their fight for a fortress of ruins.
The unicorn child lowers her horn and it cuts the air with moonlight. Leonidas feels the itch of memory again as if is her horn carving moonlight into his sun-bright soul. The boy of sun and the girl of moon meet each other without a gram of fear within their souls. They neither have anything to fear - even in a wood of strange magic and lost spirits. Or so their young hearts think.
Her question, who is there? hangs in the air. Regal Leonidas steps out from where the deep dark veils the earthy tone of his skin. He moves toward her through moonlight and the gilding light of the sun. He does not lower his crown of antlers to meet the sword of her horn. Rather his tines point up at the star-strung sky. The emerald darkness breathes him in as he drinks in the silver of her body. Boldly, he moves to her side and tips his chin at the sun the stranger left behind.
“Leonidas,” he says his name as if it might be the only thing of himself he truly remembers. The orb bathes his face in sunlight, brightening his gold, leonine eyes. The scent of her skin is full of city scents and his lips wrinkle in distaste. Yet he will not hold it against her. The boy turns, elven and slim toward the orb, “The forest is different tonight.” He breathes and the magic is metallic across his tongue. “The voices said I was lost like them. But i do not know what they mean… Are you lost too?”
His brace of antlers still rise proud and impressive atop his poll, even as fall presses her fingers upon them, weakening their roots, turning their gilt-gold dark with well seasoned age. The tines hold the Ivy and flowers that loop through them. The woodland drapes the brace with leaves and woodland trinkets;; a forest crown. Even as emerald darkness blooms in the deep loveliness of the forest, the boy does not tremble but walks like a king amidst his kingdom.
He listens as Nature’s hand pushes him this way and that, directing her son closer and closer toward the new, strange magic and the moonlight child who stands amidst it. He listens to the woodland speak, but not in the way the Denocte girl does. To Leonidas, the woodland is rustling whispers and chirping song. The orphan boy moves as if he knows every inch of Delumine, and maybe he does... How long has he been a boy alone, lost and wandering the wilds of Novus? Loneliness has begun to fit snug across his growing body, he wears it as a wild fur, shot through with the bright of meadow flowers and the sharp weapons of sticks and stones.
Leonidas has become a wild boy, a feral king of woods and meadows. His kingdom knows no bounds. All of Novus is his.
This night, with the steadiness of creeping ivy, the woodland rustling slowly grows into voices calling. They speak and he turns to better hear them. Shyly, they quieten as he moves, like the timid fox that hides when spotted. Unperturbed, the boy meanders, following the trail of voices, until a glimpse of silver ahead has him gravitating faster toward the girl and a ghostly man with a golden sun and sunrise eyes.
The boy falls still as the great cathedral trees that stand around him. His nape arches as the man’s strange gaze settles upon him. His teeth part to reveal small, blunt teeth gleaming milk-white in the forest light. It is a snarl befitting a lion, not a stag. Leonidas is not just a woodland king but a boy of Time and a lion of sunlight. His feathers and mane drip gold like the ichor that once ran in his father’s veins.
The feral boy watches as the man disappears. He steps forward to follow and the woodland, surprisingly, betrays him. The snap of a twig cracks through the forest and the whispering voices suddenly fall silent. The girl turns and she seems so desperately familiar in Leonidas’ gaze. A ghostly memory blooms within his mind, but its colour, its scent is off, like a flower out of season, lost to the blizzarding trials of winter. The boy forgets a girl called Avesta and their fight for a fortress of ruins.
The unicorn child lowers her horn and it cuts the air with moonlight. Leonidas feels the itch of memory again as if is her horn carving moonlight into his sun-bright soul. The boy of sun and the girl of moon meet each other without a gram of fear within their souls. They neither have anything to fear - even in a wood of strange magic and lost spirits. Or so their young hearts think.
Her question, [i]who is there?[/i] hangs in the air. Regal Leonidas steps out from where the deep dark veils the earthy tone of his skin. He moves toward her through moonlight and the gilding light of the sun. He does not lower his crown of antlers to meet the sword of her horn. Rather his tines point up at the star-strung sky. The emerald darkness breathes him in as he drinks in the silver of her body. Boldly, he moves to her side and tips his chin at the sun the stranger left behind.
“Leonidas,” he says his name as if it might be the only thing of himself he truly remembers. The orb bathes his face in sunlight, brightening his gold, leonine eyes. The scent of her skin is full of city scents and his lips wrinkle in distaste. Yet he will not hold it against her. The boy turns, elven and slim toward the orb, “The forest is different tonight.” He breathes and the magic is metallic across his tongue. “The voices said I was lost like them. But i do not know what they mean… Are you lost too?”
Riftlands was created by Griffin&Nestle. The background image was created by nestle.
Images belong to their respective artists (stock credited in DA). All codes and scripts belong to their respective coders. Please DO NOT take anything without the owners' permission. Board images are from